Every Friday We Meet at Zoom Turkish Coffee Lady Foundation Entrepreneurial Ladies Club First Coffee Diplomacy Foundation

Every Friday We Meet at Zoom

RSVP at turkishcoffeelady@gmail.com

Turkish Coffee Lady Foundation

Thanks to our main sponsor: Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi

Entrepreneurial Ladies Club


First Coffee Diplomacy Foundation

Who We Are

Launched in Washington D.C., the Turkish Coffee Lady Foundation is dedicated to build cross-cultural friendships through coffee diplomacy. Our organization’s main mission is to promote the 500-year old Turkish coffee culture, bridge cultures one cup at a time, and contribute to Turkey’s nation branding over coffee conversations.

Where It All Began

The Turkish Coffee Lady Foundation is founded in 2020 by a Turkish-American mother entrepreneur who traveled the world with a coffee truck since 2012. Gizem Salcigil White, aka the Turkish Coffee Lady started the award-winning Turkish Coffee Truck project to share her passion for her heritage and bring societies together over their mutual love for coffee.

In 2012, with a group of dedicated volunteers on board, Gizem set off around the globe in the world’s first authentic Turkish Coffee Truck. This adventure of a lifetime was driven by a vision – that the exquisite tradition of Turkish coffee could bring people of all walks of life together. Through her cultural diplomacy initiative, White and a group of dedicated volunteers traveled across America, Turkey, Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Canada over the past six years. Gizem’s one-of-a-kind cultural diplomacy project made the headlines of major international publications including The Washington Post, Washingtonian, PRI/BBC and her followers started calling her the “Turkish Coffee Lady”. The name stuck – and the rest is history. In May 2012, the Turkish Coffee Lady was honored by the U.S. Congress for fostering friendship between the Turkish and American peoples through their shared love of coffee.

That how our foundation was born. With the messaging “Turkish Coffee: Taste of Friendship for 500 years”, our Turkish Coffee Truck tours aim to promote rich culinary traditions among to larger audiences and educate them about the history of Turkish coffee.

What We Do

Our Mission

Our organization’s main mission is to promote the 500-year old Turkish coffee culture, bridge cultures one cup at a time, and contribute to Turkey’s nation branding over coffee conversations.

Our Vision

There is a famous Turkish saying that goes “A cup of Turkish coffee is remembered with appreciation for 40 years” which means offering a cup of coffee binds a friendship. We want to continue this proud tradition into the 21st century.


Turkish Coffee Lady Foundation runs programs to empower women entrepreneurs and inspire them to pursue their dreams. Through our “Entrepreneurial Ladies Club”, we dream, we work, and empower each other.

Turkish Coffee Lady Foundation - Timeline

The key moments that have shaped the Turkish Coffee Lady Foundation

Nov 2017

Turkish Coffee Lady

"Turkish Coffee Lady" Gizem is the Founder and CEO of Turkish Coffee Lady, Inc, an authentic gourmet coffee shop chain based in Washington DC.

March 2017

Top 40 Most Influential Turkish Americans

In March 2017, Gizem was named as one of "Top 40 Most Influential Turkish Americans" by Turk of America Magazine.

Dec 2013

Turkayfe.org Project

In December 2013, Gizem’s Turkayfe.org project was recognized as the “Cultural Diplomacy Project of the Year” by Digital Diplomacy Review.

May 2012

Turkish Coffee Truck

In May 2012, Turkish Coffee Truck project honored by the U.S. Congress for fostering friendship between the Turkish and American peoples through their shared love of coffee.

Meet Our Foundation Members

We are pleased to present our members

Turkish Coffee Lady Foundation - Upcoming Events

We are pleased to announce the following events of our movement